Level 1 No NPD goals. Short-term, tactical view of NPD.NPD projects are identified during budget process and resources are allocated accordingly.NPD project selection is driven by funding.Pet prjects are quite common and prevalent.
Level 2 Unclear NPD goals.Organizational mission and strategic plan drives NPD project selection.Products, programs, or services are identified for regular updating.Most projects fit with mission, but some pet projects that do not fit mission may exist.
Level 3 NPD goals are clearly aligned with organization's mission and strategic plan.NPD goals are clearly defined and well known across organization.Strategic plans identifies areas of opportunity.Market studies guide strategic plan priorities.The number of pet projects is minimized.
Level 4 Mission and strategic plan help define stratgic arenas for new opportunities.Opportunity identification is ongoing and can redirect the strategic plan in real-time in order to respond to market forces and new technologies.There are strategic resources available and allocated to facilitate innovation and future visioning.There is a long-term strategic view of new product development.