The prestigious New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification is developed and offered by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), the number one global practitioner and academic driven, independent non-profit organization, for advancing end-to-end new product development and management. knowledge, wisdom, and expertise.
The credential is based upon an internationally recognized body of knowledge covering seven critical knowledge domains needed for successful new product innovation. As a PDMA Registered Education Provider, our certification training prepares individuals to sit for the NPDP (New Product Development Professional) exam. This training provides Product and Market Managers with foundational knowledge and education in the seven critical areas required for success.
The credential is based upon an internationally recognized body of knowledge covering seven critical knowledge domains needed for successful new product innovation. As a PDMA Registered Education Provider, our certification training prepares individuals to sit for the NPDP (New Product Development Professional) exam. This training provides Product and Market Managers with foundational knowledge and education in the seven critical areas required for success.

Value of NPDP Certification for Organizations:
- Supports your organization’s drive for process consistency and discipline in new product development. NPDP certification offers the right "big picture," baseline and areas of focus within your established resources.
- Top-performing companies understand that properly training employees leads to direct, measurable bottom-line benefits. Several leading companies are already sponsoring NPDP Certification across their corporations.
Value of NDPD Certification for Management:
- Identify those who have sufficient product development knowledge and experience to move into a leadership positions.
- Differentiate between hiring candidates. Beyond considering an individual's experience, you can leverage a trusted 3rd party’s assessment of their product development knowledge as well as their interest in professional growth and development.
Value of NPDP Certification for Individuals:
NPDP certification supports and formally recognizes your drive for process consistency and discipline. This edge allows you to document your knowledge and experience in new product management, offering the right big picture perspective and moves you beyond "just being able to talk about it." NPDP Certified Product Managers stand out from the crowd.
- Confirms mastery of NPD principles and best practices
- Enables better job performance
- Enhances career/promotion opportunities
- Recognizes growth, professional development and competence in NPD
- Increases recognition by peers, employers, and recruiters
- Sets you apart as an expert and leader in your field
- Is unique: NPDP is the only certification program for the NPD Professional