Level 1 No standard criteria for evaluating projects.No standard criteria for evaluating the overall NPD effort.Projects are never killed.
Level 2 There are some general guiding principles for evaluating projects.Revenue or members served is the predominate metric for NPD project success.Some initial screening criteria used but very informal in nature.One person does all evaluations.Some projects may be killed / dropped.
Level 3 Scoring models / checklists are used.Team approach is used to evaluate and make final decisions on NPD projects.Projects can be stopped at any time.Formal business analysis is undertaken.Business plans must be approved by Directors, VPs.Multiple review points.Board of Directors must approve really new and big projects.s
Level 4 There is a standard set of criteria for individually evaluating NPD projects. There is a standard set of criteria for evaluating the overall NPD effort.Multiple reviews and reviewers are used to evaluate NPD projects and NPD progress.There is a group charged with the task of evaluation.An evaluation software tool is employed.Metric data is tracked and stored.Metric data can be readily accessed for analyses.